Monday, April 20, 2015

The Spiritual Journey of a Convert to the LDS Church

Former Senator Larry Pressler was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday, April 19, 2015.  There is a very good article on Pressler in the Monday, April 20, 2015 edition of the Deseret Morning News.

"A conviction of the Book of Mormon was pivotal in Pressler's decision to be baptized. Like [Clayton] Christensen, he sought an answer from God.  'That's the same prayer I said," Pressler said. "It was very important, reading and rereading (the Book of Mormon). I believe it.'"

Pressler, according to the article, is known for his integrity.  In February 1980, the Washington Post described Pressler as "the one approached member of Congress who flatly refused to consider financial favors in exchange for legislative favors."  As reported by Walter Cronkite, "I turned down an illegal contribution," said Pressler. "Whatever have we come to if that's considered 'heroic’?”

Perhaps more remarkable, however, is that Pressler befriended the man who defeated him in 1996 when he ran for his fourth term in the U.S. Senate   When Senator Tim Johnson suffered a reverse in his health, a Senate colleague asked Pressler to "Just be a friend" to Johnson.  "Pressler did just that," reports the Deseret News, "spending time with and counseling the man who had dealt him an election loss that Pressler's wife Harriet described as 'crushing.'

Read more about Pressler here: 

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