Thursday, May 7, 2015

Week 28: Kind of Dull

July 27, 1988

After the excitement last week, this week was kind of dull.  Though it did get off to a good start with a zone conference up in Salinas.  On the way back down to Seaside, we hopped over to the the Robert Talbot tie store in Carmel Valley, where I bought six more ties for a dollar apiece.

While I was cooking my dinner in the evening I suddenly remembered that we had a dinner appointment with the Nesbits and with Brother Bartlett. We were an hour late when we finally got there. I was so embarrassed, but it all worked out. We went on team-ups after eating.

It was back to work on Friday.  We tracted a street in the morning and had a teaching appointment in the evening.  We taught Victor in the home of a member family, the Syphuses, and it went well.  The Syphus family is also working with another friend, James.  We set up an appoint to show both James and Victor some videos.

We did some more tracting on Saturday, and place two copies of the Book of Mormon.  We had a teaching appointment scheduled with Robin for that evening, but it fell through.  After church on Sunday, we had a dinner appointment out in Carmel Valley with the Higgenbothams.  Brother Higgenbotham is a counselor to President Douglas in the mission presidency.  That evening, another appointment with Reuben and Robin fell through.  Instead, we went over to Monterey to attend a baptism for the sister missionaries in a member's swimming pool.

We went to show Trudy Together Forever but found out that she had just had a kitchen fire. So we went and showed the video to Sister Nesbit instead. We then talked about Nancy Oaks with Sister Nesbit. In the afternoon we went tracting.

In the evening we had a dinner appointment at the Crowley’s on Fort Ord. Sister Crowley forgot to buy some food for the dinner so she got out some Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) which is the modern equivalent of the Army’s K Rations of World War II. We had spaghetti which was actually pretty good. After dinner we did some member work at a family home evening.

We started tracting Yosemite on Tuesday morning. This street runs parallel to Noche Buena which we had so much success on. Transfer calls came out that day and we got our call at 12:30 p.m. Elder Victor is being transferred to Foster City and Elder Tango has been called as a trainer. Elder Friend and I are staying. This was a five week transfer period, usually transfer periods are just four weeks long. We went on team-ups in the evening and Brother Miller and I stopped by Trudy’s to help her move some furniture.

We left early to get Elder Victor up to the transfer van in Salinas. Since Tango is going to be a trainer, we didn’t have to wait around for the van to come back. We stopped by the Clifford’s in Toro Park on the way home and they invited us to stay for breakfast. After that we went to Carmel by the Sea and bummed around. We did some laundry and letter writing in the afternoon. In the evening we had a dinner appointment on Fort Ord.

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