Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Real Life Letter Writer

The movie The Letter Writer, one of those independent LDS market movies, was released in 2011.  The synopsis at IMDB says "When a teenager receives a mysterious letter in the mail, she sets out to find the author. It's a journey that will change her life forever."  First she learns that an older gentleman, who is good at writing, writes a number of letters and notes which he sends and gives to people that need help.  The teenager is soon enlisted in helping the old man in passing out the notes.  Its a good story with, no surprise, a happy ending.

On Monday night, at the end of a difficult day, my wife was riding the bus home from work when a young lady approached her and gave her a note:

Beautiful Lady,

We all have bad days.  The fact you are still alive makes you stronger than you think.

Just because we have bad days, doesn't make us weak.  It's okay to cry sometimes. :)

You are a gorgeous woman and shouldn't ever let anyone or anything bring you down.

Keep your head up and smile, even on rough days.

You are loved.  Never forget that.

Wow!  And I certainly have to agree with the gorgeous part.  I did obey coat rule on my mission, after all.

I have written before about how small and simple acts of kindness can make a big difference, and here is another example of the phenomenon.  We all have talents, and we can use those talents to uplift others.  The teenager in the movie finds that her talent is in music.

I have some writing talent, to which I hope this blog can attest, which I inherited from my mother.  I also have a talent in photography.


What is your talent, and how can you use it to uplift others?

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